Memorize "The Living Christ" - Part 2: The Plan
Here's how we memorized: I've divided "The Living Christ" into 44 small sections (usually shorter than one sentence for each section). Our family memorized four sections a week, to finish the entire "Living Christ" in twelve weeks (with a little time for review). I took Cynthia Green's idea of using pictures to go along with small sections - to give a visual clue of the passage you are trying to remember.
This project turned out to be a great blessing to our family. We feel like our children have really internalized the messages in "The Living Christ" and can use what they have learned to bear testimony of Christ and describe who he is and what he means to them. The memorization part was easier than we thought it would be, too!
To make it easier for your family to memorize, below I've posted small sections to memorize along with accompanying pictures and copy work (for those who love to write!). We posted the pictures on the frig and in the kids' rooms and bathrooms so they could see them often and repeat the words throughout the week. In family scripture study and at family prayer, we repeated the sections for the week.
Cynthia Green wrote of her family's experience, "Our family finished memorizing 'The Living Christ' the following Easter. It was the greatest four-month experience we have ever had. Even though the project is over, I know the effects of what we learned can remain with each family member for the rest of our lives."
I hope that your family has a similar experience memorizing the words of the prophet and apostles as they testify of Christ. What could be better than that?