One year's worth of study!
Try something new for family scripture study! Our Discover the Latter-day Prophets resource is perfect for families! It's also great for children to study on their own.
Discover the Latter-day Prophets features 16 units to help your child discover the childhoods and inspiring lives of our latter-day prophets. Over 300 pages in all! In each unit, you will find:
- A timeline of world events during the lifetime of each prophet
- 10-12 pages of inspiring stories, questions, and puzzles
- Writing projects
- Readings that focus on the childhood, conversion, and major life events of each prophet
- Copywork page with a quote from each prophet
- A Family Home Evening activity to help the whole family review
BONUS: 50 pages specifically written for younger children with a simplified version of several stories from the life of each prophet and an illustration box for kids to draw what they have learned. (Discover the Scriptures currently highlights prophets from Joseph Smith to Thomas S. Monson. Updates coming soon!)