One year's worth of study!
Your kids are going to love this workbook! It's full of the great stories that we all love from the life of Christ. It covers Jesus' birth and ministry--including his parables, sermons, and miracles. Read about the Sermon on the Mount and the Lord's Prayer. Discover why John the Baptist had to be the one to baptize Jesus. Learn what Jesus meant when he told Peter to "feed my sheep." Discover the Life of Christ will make a great addition to your history program if you homeschool. Explore the first four books of the New Testament through:
- Scripture verses
- Creative writing assignments
- Hands-on projects
- Family Home Evening presentations for kids to give
- New Testament maps
- Memory verses
Hands-on projects include making a scroll of the books in the New Testament, presenting a puppet show of the birth of Christ, creating a "Living Water" booklet, designing a "wanted poster" for the twelve disciples, creating a Galilee travel poster, baking homemade bread (Jesus was the Bread of LIfe), writing your own parable, planning your own Passover Dinner, making Resurrection cookies, and performing a "Road to Emmaus" puppet show.